Project description:
Utilizing design to express and translate the emotions associated with a personal story.
gender inequality
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We propose an original design that is meant to tell the story 'GENDER INEQUALITY LAMP'.
Behind the design..
My design is inspired by my personal experience and the old-fashion custom of men grasping and kissing a woman's hand as a form of salutation.
It grabbed my attention seeing this way of approaching women. This action and interaction between different genders made me think about the psychology behind it. My interpretation was the general perception of women and men in society and culture. The act of a man grabbing a woman's hand symbolizes empowerment, leadership, and initiative, however, the woman in this action is seen as submissive, appreciated, admired, and gentle.
There are some unspoken, universal social rules for women and men. Treatment varies on different grounds which differs from culture to culture, not to mention different periods in history. However, there are socialized and normalized behavioral rights for both genders. Moreover, humans have standardized privileges based on these 'rights.
In my design, I visualized the association of how these different sexes are perceived. I used bent wood as the material for the men's part (wood is associated with attributes such as solid, durable, trustworthy), and the curved acrylic for the woman ( the material suggests gentleness, openminded, ability to adjust). There is also a difference in the scale which displays the men as a protector and the woman as faithful.
Last but not least, the design of the lamp indicates that the two together are more powerful and are able to create something more valuable like life.
“The design of an industrial product is aesthetic if it is honest, balanced, simple, unobtrusively neutral, and careful.”
-Dieter Rams