smart care that empowers
3.3 million people in the US alone need it to fight their battle with diabetes and the numbers are growing by the clock. We bring to you Succor: Smart Care that Empowers, a collaborative design concept for people requiring Intensive Insulin Therapy.
Competitive Analysis, Existing Product Analysis, Human-factors, Manufacturing, Rapid prototyping, User testing, Interviews and Surveys
Solidworks, Keyshot,
Figma, After Effects,
Photoshop and Illustrator
Nadia Brunzlow Sebastian Basto Khushi Jain
Product for diabetes
Insulin therapy is the only effective treatment for type 1 diabetes.
About 1 and 500 people in the united states have type 1 Diabetes
About 80 people get diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in the US each day
Type 1 diabetes account for $14.9 Billion in health care cost per year
The target market is patients on intensive insulin therapy (IIT). Around 3.3 million patients need IIT in the United States.
40% - type 1 diabetes and,
20% of those with type 2 diabetes.

3 emergency
1 low sugar

2 high sugar
Problem Statement
How do we enhance the experience of adults suffering from Diabetes, so that using insulin pods is not painful or invasive, monitoring is more convenient and unified on a daily basis and the product provides security in case of emergencies?
Competitive product matrix
Existing product analysis
Price / Quality
Safety / Convenience
Eco-friendly / Tech
To understand the range of expenses the user has to make on a device ranges from $10-10,000. To understand the relative use of materials, their durability, and functionality according to their features
To understand the accuracy of continuous performance with minimum error. To understand the ease of putting it on, having it throughout the day, and re-installing it.
To understand if the use and disposal are not affecting, less effective, or harming the environment. To understand how advanced and reliable the devices are, and the range of functions they can do in minimum time.


I dread having to put a new pod every three days, and the needle it injects into my body is so painful and uncomfortable."
"My pod froze as I was on the hiking trip with my friends, and I had to be evacuated because I was unable to administer insulin to my body."
"I was coming back from a trip and I got stuck in traffic when my sugar level immediately start dropping. I was at risk of fainting and dying."

How do we want it to feel?
Put your cursor over the circle.

How do we want it to look?
Put your cursor over the circle.

Over 300

Put your cursor over the right side of the screen.

Prototypes &
User Testing