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sustainable toothbrush
High-quality product that brings to the user new solutions! Starting from teeth whiting (with the use of ultraviolet). Then high efficiency sonic power of the head, as well as an easy-to-use, and time-saving toothpaste release mechanism. Also, the toothbrush is trucked by the app where you can adjust settings. In addition, this advanced technology-wise product is made mainly out of PLA bamboo.




Indium gallium nitride
Ultraviolet high-brightness LEDs.

teeth whitening
Ultraviolet high-brightness LEDs

New technologies & possible solutions.
Competing industries / other products offerings
What kind of toothbrush is the best?

Sonic High
Efficiency Engine
31000 time/minute
ORAL HEALTH ROUTINE - What is important in the routine process?
PERFORMANCE QUALITY - What is crucial in their daily life activities?
POSIBILITIES -Do they care, or would they be open for new solutions to improve their life?

For toothpaste - press once
LEDs whitening - press twice
Turn on/off - press once
Faster - press twice

At the end of the brush there is a button / plug which, when pressed, will slide out of the hole. Inside there is a toothpaste container - a container that extends to the other end of the toothbrush.
When you press the appropriate button, the toothpaste will come out through the three holes at the back of the toothbrush.
You charge I-DOC toothbrush by inserting it into the charger - it is at the same time it's holder.

The charter is made out of recyclable aluminium with a magnetic back that you can stick on many surfaces. The battery life is about 6 months and it is replaceable. The battery life of the toothbrush itself is about 48 hours. In addition, the battery is also a great holder for our toothbrush.
concept sketches

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